The following is a trascription from interviews that will be on the documentary "THE SEED OF A NEW WORLD, THE CANDELARIA MADIDI ECOLOGICO COMUNITY". As I did the translation from spanish, I felt it was very unique written material and that it should be avaiable on the internet. That's the reason for this post. I hope you read it and it interests you.
So I'm going to tell you a story, to you, you three, the most important thing is that you three hear it, not so much that the camera records it, it's also important for the camera to record it, but the most important thing is that you connect with me so the story can be told, if you don't connect, then it's more difficult to tell the story.
So I'm going to tell you a story, to you, you three, the most important thing is that you three hear it, not so much that the camera records it, it's also important for the camera to record it, but the most important thing is that you connect with me so the story can be told, if you don't connect, then it's more difficult to tell the story.
What is most important is the inner work, to work towards the
inside, not towards the outside. But at the same time we have certain degree of
responsibility as humans to work towards the outside also.
There are many people of the "new age" that uses this
information but is not consistent enough with what they say; they don't do what
they say, because they keep living in the system.
They keep consuming chemicals, they continue polluting the
planet, they use cars that consume gasoline, and that hurts the earth. Every
time you use gasoline, that you use transportation, you hurt the earth, and
that's what needs to be changed.
In the city, there is not much
food, not much life, there's social and political disorder, there's a lot of
crime. Before there wasn't so much, today it begins to exist. All of that you
begin to think and ask yourself: in what world am I? What world do I want for
this country? What world do I want for my children? What world can I have for
my family? So you begin to say, why can' I create a new one, a new model of
community, to prove, --hey we've achieved it! -- So that has been the idea
The idea is a dream.
If you follow your dreams and you believe faithfully then things begin to
happen little by little. Because sometimes in the big cities you are imposed
with many fears, like "this dream is too utopian, you're not going to be
able to achieve it, how does it occur to you to live in a community" I
don't know, my parents tell me: Community life doesn't exist. You have to have
your home, your partner, your dog, you plant a tree, you write a book and you
have your life made.
When we created the community we were three, two women and I.
The community is composed of more women than men. It's interesting, because
women seem to be more interested in conservation than men
The people that are part of the community that now live in
Ixiamas are 30 to 35 people. Now we have Julian that has the same vision, and
Cyborg, who has the same vision
This place, from the Andes, from Titicaca lake, to this place
that is precisely the Gateway of Madidi, to the most virgin part that remains
in this part of the amazon, the last place that remains where there is no road
that cuts between the flood land savannahs here to the north and the high
Andean peaks, the glaciers, there is no humans. It is the last remaining place
where this connection remains that has not been interrupted by humans
This is a very special place, there are plants here that still
have no name, don't have a discoverer. We have worked here with a biologist and
we have discovered that here exists the greatest diversity of trees, of birds,
and jaguars.
The essence of the community is that: this area needs to be kept
this way
We speak for the trees, if you see this tree here, for the
community member; it has a value, of say 2000 bolivianos. The businessman will
add his value, say 6000 bolivianos, it's tempting and easy, to say, where there's
a greater quantity of trees, there's a greater quantity of resources. But what
is happening in Ixiamas is that, it's being deforested.
In the years we have been here making studies there was a
greater quantity of birds, we have been coming every year and there's less,
every time less, what does that mean, that is really affecting the environment
I wish that my daughter can still see this place like this, and
the species that exist, that kids form other countries don't get to see this in
a documentary as "this existed in the past" but rather "it still
Since I
was a child I became involved in social issues that had to do with children in
situations of vulnerability with their families. Since then I began to have
dreams, that one day I could create an adoption center.
In one
of those casual moments I met Julián, who began to tell me about the Candelaria
project, of what the Ecovillage is about. I realized that we had the same
philosophical principles, ideas and vision in life. A life in harmony with
nature, with ourselves, a life with true contact with nature. From this, to
create an environment that will facilitate people living in community, in a
true community where everyone helps each other. We are all one, the community
is a whole. So I shared that idea with Julian. Julian said, hey, why don't you
come with us on this expedition we are making. Upa chalupa
The design we are making here is a design, we believe that
many people can live here, everyone with food, with all the types of food that
exist, that can be grown, with everything a society needs, theater, school,
workshops where everything is produced, all the tools, so that nothing needs to
be bought from the outside. Initially we will need to bring things, but the
idea is that everything that is used is produced here
We have everything here, clay to make pots, metals, there
is gold, there are stones. There is all the biogenetics you need, all the
medicines, all the substances you can imagine.
For example these
bunas they are the best (remedy) if you have arthritis.–What are bunas?- They
are giant ants that are poisonous. These poisons alleviate pain; they improve
the lives of those who have arthritis.
We collect
leaves, snakes, poisons, all kinds of poisons, and we keep that for those who
need it. For example when we kill jochi (paca, agouti) we keep the gull, so in
case you are bit by a snake, you take a spoon of that and that neutralizes the
poison. There's another plant we can collect, we chew it and we apply it to a
wound, that was the best. We also have the sting ray that helps to improve the
lives off all miners, when they work in mines
The area is very big. It ranges from the Ñavijaja river, all the
headwaters of the El tigre community, and all the east bank of the Madidi
river, it's 32,000 hectares
There were many people that claimed the area, they were going to
split it to all those who wanted a piece. The proposal was that I told them
that an area should be declared as intangible, where logging can't be done and
where large scale settlements can't be made.
I named it Candelaria Madidi Ecologico Community. We made a big
meeting, we socialized the importance that this area has, many organizations
were present, and they accepted.
Why do we want to promote tourism for later?, because we are
people that do not have resources to protect the area, the government is not going
to give us resources either. We can't say "we are going to protect this
area" if we don't have resources, logistics, people that want to
volunteer. That's when the idea is born of doing tourism so this project can be
We will build a settlement no bigger than 15 hectares to be able
to receive the visitors that are going to come and they can get to know this
More than building a tourism
Ecovillage, which is the initial part of the Project, and which we are presenting,
there will be cabins, there will be crops, workshops, all kind of recreational
activities, trails on the tree canopy, boats to travel on the river, where the
attraction is the village, not only the forest and the animals, but to
participate in an Ecovillage, in a system of life. This is the ecotourism
project but beyond that there is another big project which is the initiatory
center, a spiritual center for a new humanity, a center for investigations I
call it too.
There's a prophecy, called the
prophecy of Tiwanaku, that speaks of
two initiatory centers, two schools for a new era. Two great initiatory
centers, more than universities, it's a spiritual initiation, a magical
initiation. One has to be on Titicaca Lake and the other one here. I was hoping someone was doing this already,
but no, there is no one.
One I arrived here I realized that the
rainforest has a lot to give, lots of teaching. I don't believe in teachers
that can teach you, nor do I believe in religions. I believe the teacher is
here, that the plant can teach you a lot, the river has a lot of wisdom,
everything that you touch, the earth, the sky, everything in this place has a
lot of wisdom, but one has to be attentive to be able to hear it and make the
best of it.
In this case we have the mission of creating a system, because I could live here alone with my family and I enlighten
myself and that's it, I'm gone, but I didn't come to do that, I know I came to
make the world get better. That's the way I want to do it, creating this system
of life.
The five pillars are first, the food system, the education,
health, study and work. With these five pillars we want to build the community.
We want nothing missing, that everyone has education, has water, has food. All
of that is going to help in making a community work.
Now why do indigenous communities need to be improved?
When I used to live with the
Chimanes and Mosetenes, it was very different. We only had to grow food, you
didn't need to worry about anything because nature gives you everything,
there's no need to work, only that there's no money on that side. Because they
lived off the fish, off the fruits, off life itself, off the rainforest, they
didn't even need to bring crafts to the nearby places, they were happy like
There was a time when the wood
loggers came, they made chimanes become addicts. They would bring them alcohol,
They would sell us, to say,
American clothing, they would sell it for 5 salaries. A good pair of shoes we
would have to pay for five months, one year, that's the way we had to pay.
That's when nature and human beings began to be destroyed.
That has allowed that all the
beings that I have met, Chimanes and Mosetenes, all of them have suffered,
because they are alcoholics.
We have all split from one
family, and each one created their lives. Some further north, others further
south. To the east, to Beni have gone some, others have gone to Peru. All of
that has happened. That's why I would like to change.
If we want to create people that are
more human, we need to have more human contexts, surroundings that are more
human, that will facilitate this process. If at the end no one wants to adopt
these children, then the children can feel part of a community, and they can
create there their own home, their families, they can be part of the community
we are creating.
So this place is going to be more
free, it's not going to be such an institutionalized place, where the children
have to obey certain rules, where they all have to dress the same way as it
happens in many places, that in the end makes the children want to escape
instead of wanting to include themselves in the place where they are.
I didn't want to have a child in
this world, I preferred not to have one, because… he is only going to suffer…
now they exploit them, they suffer , they abuse them, it's all wrong. When we
arrive to Ixiamas we will see many native children being exploited, many sons
that are paid poorly, that's the way it is here. It's not right, it's not fair.
When I go defend the children, I
tell (to the offenders) I will bewitch you. So the only thing I do is a
psychology to help them. So that helps sometimes. Since I'm an authority they
say "Cyborg must be a sorcerer" so, in past times, my ancestors would
say, "we have to bewitch them", so that's what they are afraid of. Sometimes
laws don't work here, only money works for those who have it.
You have to educate people in a
different way, you have to achieve raising a child with a totally different
program, with a completely different educational system, where his curiosity is
not being killed, his creativity is not being killed, and where the earth is
not being killed.
It is very difficult for people to
understand this, because all of us are completely subdued, hypnotized by this
system, and that's on purpose. Maybe in these places, far from civilization it
is easier to disconnect, but since we were children, education itself, how our
parents treated us, it segmented our consciousness, it distorts what is
natural, when we are overprotected, when we are taught macho ideologies, so many
things that is psychologically programed from childhood, to close our minds, to
have our energies blocked, so we don't believe in anything, so we are no longer
curious. A child needs to explore, to fall down and pick himself up, when a
child is overprotected, they don't allow him to fall, if he falls they pick him
up. If they take away his curiosity, he begins believing only in what they tell
him. "that's dangerous" and that's it, he believes that and never
again touches it. But what if that is not dangerous "oh look, it's not,
they are lying, it's not dangerous I can touch it, it does nothing" So
it's a very complex control system, that also has a chemical part, for example,
in vaccines they inject us heavy metals, in medicine
nowadays don't learn, because they give them a prototype of studies, math,
chemistry, social sciences, that's from the roman era. All of those teachings
come from that era
Any educational system is based on a cosmology, which is the understanding of how the universe Works. That cosmology, how it should be,
it should integrate the spiritual, scientific and philosophic part. Modern
science separates cosmology; there is religious cosmology, philosophical cosmology
and physical cosmology, those who study the cosmos. But whoever advances in
that study will discover that those three things gather, you can't separate
them. And that knowledge exists, for example I teach Maya cosmology. Andean
cosmology also has a great knowledge.
Since everything grows, everything improves, it's
necessary that these indigenous cosmologies change, that they regenerate, that
they agree with each other and for them to include the rest of the knowledge
there is from other cultures, everything needs to gather again. That's the
purpose of the Muxuq Nina Project, a philosophical, spiritual, and cosmological
investigation of how the universe works
because at the end this is the real world, this is
what has been created for us. The capital system is an invention of few men,
but this was created for the whole of mankind and it wasn't created by few men,
it was created by ancestral energies.
Everyone will
have their home, each one of the 30 people, 70 families that are
inscribed will have their homes
We are all going to build everyone's home because we
all have to achieve everyone's dream
The (main) cabin is planned to be built around the tree, and the
tree will be in the center of the cabin. It's like… from the middle of the house
a tree comes out, but the tree will not be hurt
So much large size construction is
not necessary. In a small hut you can have the same type of great insight and enlightenment,
you don't need a pyramid.
I don't know how, but a round and
spiral house. I imagine it like that, with everything being natural and the
materials being taken from the same place, from nature, maybe with bamboo
sticks, with the hey roof that is used here. I would like to have hanging beds,
so you can swing when you sleep. –like a hammock- sure, like a hammock or a bed
that hangs only, so you are in touch
The community doesn't have a limit, where say we're going to
divide in
pieces the land, for people that want to feel "this piece is mine". This is everyone's
pieces the land, for people that want to feel "this piece is mine". This is everyone's
If you like the environment and nature, you can come
you can see the reality that exists here, it is different, it's
integrated into nature
The idea of being in a community is to put your life in the
community, I believe it that way, I believe I will come to live here until I
grow old
May Chileans
come, may Japanese come, may Germans come, may French come, may them come from
Austria, may they come from the United States, and the possibility that
extraterrestrials come, together we can work to build this world
If we
didn't organize, if we didn't create this community, this area would be already
settled. There would be people living here and all the flora and fauna would be
like in the other communities, where all they do is to exploit the forest's
resources, cutting trees.
We are in the process of
presenting this project, of tourism Ecovillage, at the same time we are
presenting other type of projects, one for housing and one for land titling. It
is very important that this happens soon, because we have discovered that in
the area they are hunting, they could be illegally logging inside our area. I
wish this documentary; this video serves as a call to people, to those that are
interested in conservation and especially of the most critical and possibly
most biodiverse place on earth, that they can help to preserve this place,
supporting the Candelaria Madidi Community
Now maybe you see it as only a story, as an idea, as an
intention. But maybe in a few years here you will be seeing a big town, under
the trees, a great center, a great tribe, but first we must live here to
achieve that. That's why this project is small, the way it's beginning. I call
it organic, because it's like a plant that grows from small to large. You can't
transplant a large tree like this one. This can seem small, but we really are
talking about something very big and you, you are all part of this, it's not
mine, it's yours .
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